Sophia College for Women
(Empowered Autonomous)
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Senior College


Political science has gradually evolved into a discipline which encompasses a study of not only domestic but also international politics. Since the inception of an inter-disciplinary approach in academics, the study of domestic politics is no longer confined to internal boundaries of a nation. A study political science has to take into consideration a country's relation with other nations and the development taking place in other parts of the world. This makes the subject a very interesting fields of study and offers the student many academic challenges. There are a vast range of career opportunities and intellectual avenues open to a student of political science.

About the Department 

The department was started in 1960. The maximum strength at entry level is 90 to 100 students. The subject is offered as a double major at the TYBA level. A student who opts for the subject along with any other social science subject, offered by the college, enhances her chances to do well in any public service competitive examination. The faculty encourages the students to participate in activities linked with the subject e.g. mock parliaments. Departmental activities include Seminars, Group Discussions, Debates and Class Presentations. These activities equip each student with communication skills useful for careers in Public Relations and Human Resource Management, making them both good team players as well as effective leaders.




Ms. Shahnaz Shaikh
Assistant Professor and Head of the Department
B.A. in Political Science and Hindi (Sophia College for Women, Mumbai)
M.A. in Political Science (University of Mumbai), NET qualified in 2007, M.Phil. (University of
Currently pursuing Ph. D. (University of Mumbai)



Ms. Shahnaz Shaikh is associated with the Departmentof Political Science as an Assistant Professor in Sophia College for Women since July 2008. She worked in the Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai as a Research Assistant. She also taught Political Science as a subject in SVKM Law College before joining Sophia College for Women. She lectures on Foundation Course, Indian Political System, Politics of Modern Maharashtra and Gandhism.
She did her graduation from Sophia College for Women in Hindi and Political Science. She has also completed her M.A. and M.Phil. from the Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai. Her MPhil Research topic was: Agrarian Crisis in Maharashtra and Farmers suicides in Vidarbha. She has also passed the UGC JRF/lecturership National Entrance Test in 2007. Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. Degree from the University of Mumbai. Her research topic is Muslims in India with special reference to the Implementation of the Sachar Committee Report. Her areas of interest include Indian Studies, International Relations, International Organizations, State Politics and Religion.

Ms. Vaishnavi Nair 
(Part-Time Lecturer)

BA in Political Science and History 
MA in International Relations and Politics


The topic of her Master’s dissertation was “Male perspectives on feminism in Kerala” 
Article published on The Wire : Topic: The Pressing Need for Student Politics in India. 


Ms. Laxmi Harishchandra Yadav
(Part-Time Lecturer)

MA in Political Science (Institute of Distance and Open Learning)


MA Final Project on “Indian Democracy and Decentralization” in the year 2022-2023. Published an article on “The Significant Role of Indian Philosophies in the Indian Society” in the HERMES Magazine. 

Dr. Paul Rozario [Superannuated]

MA, MPhil, PhD  


Dr. Paul Rozario did his Masters in Political Science and his MPhil in American Studies from the School of Social Sciences and School of International Studies - the Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi. He was awarded a PhD degree from the Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai. He was a recipient of the Ford Foundation Fellowship in International Relations, at the University of Mumbai. He has also passed the UGC JRF / Lectureship National Entrance Test in 1993. In April 2006, he was the sole Indian representative in the International Visitor Leadership Programme, interactively touring the U.S. on the invitation of the U. S. Department of State. His areas of interest are International Relations, Foreign Policy, American Studies, International Organizations, International Trade and Economic Relations, Religion And Ethics.