Students EXAP-projects published as papers:
- A Study of Pre-menstrual Tension among Indian Women -S. Balan J. Gunaratnam.
- Filmology as a Pedagogical tool: An analysis of “Forrest Gump”- S, Velamur, P. Chakhravorty & S.Parekh.
Other projects:
- Mini research projexts at the SYBA level published as papers by the Sophia Centre for Women's Studies and Development 2004-05
- All the World's a Peep Show (Reality TV): Smitha Suryanarayanan, Perviz Rabady, Lavanya Varadrajan, and Vedika Sud
- The Psychological Symbiosis between Man and Nature: Jwala Narayanan
- Student Presentation: Attitudes of adolescents towards euthanasia - N. Sukumaran & A.Tulsiani-Paper presentation at the BPA-IPH conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health-Jan 2007. (published in the recent issue of the Bombay Psychologist)
Research awards
- Awarded theSmt. SumitradeviJatia Rotary Prize (2005).
- Awarded the Lobo-Dubey Research Scholarship(2009) for ‘A Pilot Study: To Explore the Application of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development in the Indian Context
- Awarded the Barbra Naidu Memorial Scholarship (12.000/-) for research on Attitudes towards women through the lenses of gender
Recent Research Presentations
Attitudes towards women through the lenses of gender presented at the 2nd International Psychology Conference on Family at the crossroads: 21st Century, December 1-3, 2013, organised By Bombay Psychological Association at Sophia College, Mumbai. Abstract published in conference proceedings.
A comparative analysis of cognitive development in students of municipal and English medium schools presented at National Seminar on ‘Qualitative and Quantitative research Methodology and Data collection, September 20-21, 2013, organised by Elphinstone College, Mumbai.
Home environment and self-esteem through the lenses of Adolescents presented at the National Seminar Adolescence: a Journey from conflict to integration P.G. Department of Psychology, September 23 -24, 2011 organised by St. Xavier’s College, Goa.
Recent Publications
Meaning of Life and Mystery of Death presented at the 4th International Conference on Life skills Education optimizing positive strengths through life skills from December 7-9, 2012, Mumbai. Paper published in conference proceedings.
Women: Health and self-efficacy presented at the National Conference on Women’s Empowerment: Changing perspectives in changing times, August 24-25, 2012 organized by St Xavier’s College, Goa. Paper published in conference proceedings.
Publications – Department of Psychology
Dr. (Sr.) Patricia D’Souza
D’Souza, P. (2015). Do learning styles differ across academic disciplines? An explorative study. International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research, 4(5[V]).
D’Souza, P. (2017). Gifting a life: A quasi-experimental study of attitudes and awareness of college students to organ donation. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(33)
International Research Grant from the Centre on Gender equality and Health (GEH) University of California, USA under its EMERGE (Evidence-based measures of Empowerment for Research on Gender equality) for a collaborative Research project (with three other Researchers) to conduct a study on ‘Observer intervention on sexual harassment: A situational Judgement approach to Assessment and Training. Project completed in August 2019:
Shyamsunder, A., Khanna, C., Sharma, A., & D’Souza, P. (2020). Development of the Observer Intervention in Sexual Harassment at Work (OISH) measure, using a situational judgment approach for assessment. South Asian Journal of Law, Policy, and Social Research, 1.
D'Souza, P., & Thakre, N. (2023). Effectiveness of leadership styles adopted by women managers in the education and healthcare sectors. International Journal of Education and Management Studies, 13(3), 359–363.
Ms. Simi Susan Shibu
Shibu, S. S. (2023). Complementary Odds: A Philosophical and Psychological Review on the Eternal Saga of Peace and Conflict. Sophia Lucid, 2 (1).
Bhave, S. Y., Itkarkar, S., Shibu. S. S., Mane, S., Kariya, P., & Sovani, A. (2023). Life Partner Expectations: Young Female Engineering Students. Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health, 10 (4). ISSN: 2349-2880. DOI: 10.24321/2349.2880.202310
Lavanya Mohan:
Mohan, M. (2023). India in the Wake of BJP’s Re-election: A Study on Religious Outgroup Attitudes Amongst Students in India. Sophia Lucid, 2 (1).
Dr. Jennie Mendes (Superannuated)
Mendes, J. (2019). Exhaustive Survey on the Mental Health Concerns of Students in Goa and their Perception of the use/awareness of the counseling services (2019).EDU WORLD A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal.2019 Vol VIII No 3 pps 154-
162. (Dalmia Emeritus Professor Chair Project)
Mendes, J. (2018). Extension of effective day length and its effect on sleep characteristics due to exposure to mobile phone screen in female students in a semi urban and urban setting. Indian
Journal of Mental Health. Jan-March (UGC approved journal) pps 13-17
Mendes, J & Tendulkar A. (2018). Demythification of anxiety and sleep problems in older women .. Indian Journal of Mental Health 2018;5(1) Jan-March (UGC approved journal) pps 9-12
Mendes, J. (2016) Editorial: Collaborative Undergraduate Education: Mental Health (CUE- MH) Bombay Psychologist Vol XXXI Vol 1&2 pps 3-4.
Mendes, J. (2015). The Socially Mute.. Journal of Contemporary Psychology. Vol3 Issue 2 pps 110-116.
Mendes, J. (2015). Editorial: Adolescents Bombay Psychologist Vol XXX Vol 1&2 pps 3- 4.
Mendes. J. (2015). Miscommunication and misalignment: Decoding parental talk. International Journal of Psychosocial Research (IJPSR) ISSN No 2320-6381 Special issue pp 57-6
Mendes, J. (2015). In-house therapeutics: Mother daughter discourse in the Pakistani serial “Zindagi Gulzar Hai”. International Journal of Psychosocial Research (IJPSR) ISSN No 2320- 6381Special issue pp171-176
Mendes, J. (2014). A comparative study of the two dimensions of parenting Style and their effects on the self-concept of pre-adolescents. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Vol 2 Issue 1. No 3 ISSN 2348-5396 Oct 2014
Gissele F & Mendes, J. (2014). A comparative study of the two dimensions of parenting Style and their effects on the self-concept of pre-adolescents. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Vol 2 Issue 1. No 3 ISSN 2348-5396.
M. Neeta & Mendes J. (2014). Recovery through the spoken word: Carer’s communication skills. Paper published in the Proceedings of the 5 th International Conference on Life Skills Education
Mendes, J. (2013). Mental health concerns of young women: Working model of a counseling center in an urban women’s college. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, pp 553-555 Vol 4(3)
Mendes, J. (2013). Music Cognition: Preliminary observations on the aesthetic simplicity of the lullaby. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, pp 657-659 Vol4(3)
Mendes, J.(2012.) Challenges ahead. Bombay Psychologist pp1-2 Vol XXVII, 1&;2.
Mendes J. (2012) Cultural adaptation of the SDS: A Konkani Translation for caregiver relatives of the mentally ill- Bombay Psychologist pp14-18 Vol XXVI, 1&;2.
Mendes, J. (2012). Cultural adaptation of the SDS: A Konkani Translation for caregiver relatives of the mentally ill- (Roman script) Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing Vol 2. Iss 2 pp 316-317
Mendes, J. (2012.) Intimacy in Cyberspace: preliminary investigations. Bombay Psychologist pp70-73 Vol XXVI, 1&2
Mendes, J. (2012). Patchwork quilt: Preliminary observations on sleep patterns and problems.
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Life Skills Education pp 13-16
Mendes, J. (2012). The stressors and mental health concerns of young women: Case study of a counseling center in an urban women’s college. Proceedings Abbe-Faria Vol2 pp 23-27.
Mendes, J. & Manuel, W. (2011). Boredom interest continuum in the adolescent: A Cognitive Model. Abbe Faria Vol 1 pp 43-49.
Manuel, W. & Mendes, J. (2010). Women in the Indian Navy: Status and job satisfaction
International Conference Proceedings on Women Education for Empowerment Vol 1, pp 5-6
Mendes, J. (2010). Hormones and Motor Stereotypy: Preliminary observations. Bombay Psychologist Vol XX pp 12-20.
Mendes, J. (2010). Leg shaking: A Pedigree Analysis. Bombay Psychologist Vol XXV pp 16- 21.
Mendes, J. & Manuel W. (2010). The Assessment of Obsessive-Compulsive Phenomena: Psychometric and Normative data on the Padua Inventory (PI) from an Indian nonclinical student sample. Bombay Psychologist Vol XXIII pp 6-11.
Mendes, J. & Arunan M.C. (2009). Happy Birthday, Mr. Darwin - Celebrating the 200th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin. Sensex 61-63.
Manuel, W. & Mendes, J.. (2008). Motivations of Women Naval Cadets. Bombay Psychologist Vol XXIII 1&;2 pp 34-39.
Manuel, W. & Mendes, J.. (2007). Adolescents their Emotions Concerns and support systems.
Bombay Psychologist, Vol XXII, Nos 1 &;2. pp 11-19
Velamur, S., Chakrovorthy, P. Parekh, S. & Mendes, J. (2006). Filmology as a Pedagogical tool: An analysis of “Forrest Gump” Bombay Psychologist, Vol XXI, Nos 1&2. pp 34-40
Mendes, J.., Hebbar, S. & Arunan M.C. (2008). From Psychology to Molecular Biology: The Biology of Mentation. Readings in Psychology: Enhancing Human potential. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd New Delhi.
B. Barnes., S. Mehrotra & Mendes, J. (2008). Edited - Readings in Psychology Enhancing Human potential. Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd New Delhi.
Mendes, J.; Patel, N. (2004). A preliminary study of male and female college students and their alcohol consumption, experiences and their future intentions. Urdhwa Mula Vol 3 No 1. pp 39- 46.
Mendes, J. &; Murthy, P. (2002). A study on attitudinal change in girl students towards people
with mental illness. Urdhwa Moola. Vol 1, Issue 1. pp 50-53
Mendes, J. Murthy, P. & & Vandrewala, T. (1998). A biological approach to the understanding of Homosexuality. Bombay Psychologist, Vol XV, No 1&;2.
Mendes, J. (1997). Dermatoglyphics – An aid to diagnose Mongolism and other Chromosomal and developmental disorders. Bombay Psychologist Vol XIV Issue 1 pp 32-39.
Mendes., J., Gunaratnam, J., Patel, S., Reddy, S &. Balan, S. (1998). A study on Premenstrual tension among Indian Women, Bombay Psychologist, Vol XIII Issue 1&2. pp 40-50
Mendes, J. (1995). A study on the Initiation of flight activity in Drosophila Melanogaster – An experimental approach to dissect the development of Phylogenetically adaptive behavior. Indian Journal of Psychology, Vol 70 (1&;2) pp 23-27.
Mendes, j., Bhatt, D., & Jethwa, D. (1995). Personality profiles of Orphans Kittley boys and normal children. A comparative study. Anantara, Vol 6.. pp45-53
Mendes, J., Bhat, D. & D’cruz, P. (1994). Menstrual Synchrony among proximate women Bombay Psychologist, Vol XI, No 1&2.
Arunan MC &; Mendes J. (1986). MHC Restriction – A new Approach. All India Cell biology conference proceedings pp 41-49
Dr. Aninha Lobo (Superannuated)
Lobo, A. & Coutinho, A. (2003). A Study of the Cognitive and Attitudinal Impact of an AIDS Awareness Educational Intervention on College Students. Research Paper Series: Women and Health, 1:5.
Lobo, A. L. & Dolke, A.M. (2005) Interpersonal Trust and Organizational Learning Capability Proceedings of The Sixth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities.
Lobo, A. (2005). Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB): Implications for Downsizing and Restructuring. Bombay Psychologist Vol. XX. Nos. 1&2